Complete electrochemical cell including connections for a thermostat and for working under inert gas.
Complete single wall electrochemical cell.
Carbon fiber microelectrode isolated by glass. The electroactive diameter is 4.7 µm, the RG value approximately 3, and the length approximately 8 cm.
The electroactive core is completely surrounded by glass. Therefore, the electrodes can be used in strong acids and aggressive organic solvents.
Thomas RECORDING electrochemical disc microelectrodes were originally designed for SECM (Scanning ElectroChemical Microscopy), but they are also suitable as working electrodes for other electrochemical applications like voltammetry or amperometry.
Thomas RECORDING electrochemical disc micro-electrodes were originally designed for SECM (Scanning ElectroChemical Microscopy), but they are also suitable as working electrodes for other electrochemical applications like voltammetry or amperometry.
Nitric Oxide Sensor - 2mm.