The Q-Box HR1LP Human Respirometry Package allows users to conduct numerous safe, exciting investigations in respiratory and cardiovascular physiology. The equipment and instruments are simple to set up and operate . The Q-Box HR1LP Human Respirometry Package is ideal for use in undergraduate laboratory courses, yet the package’s Infrared CO2 Analyzer, Oxygen Sensor, Pneumotach Spirometer and Wireless Exercise Heart-Rate Monitor have the accuracy and resolution required for research.
The Q-Box HR1LP Human respirometry Package monitors CO2 and O2 continuously in mixed expired air and calculates changes in VO2 and VCO2. Spirometry portion of the package provides measurements of breathing frequency, relative breathing pattern and heart rate data From the average breath flow minute ventilation rate (VE) is also calculated. During spirometry measurements vital capacity maneuvers can be performed to obtain Flow-Volume Loops and Volume-Time plots. Calculations of various lung volumes and capacities are done in the software.
keyword : physiology, respiratory, qubit systems