
product catalog

catalog divide

      • IPA® / DOUBLE IPA®
      • IPA® / DOUBLE IPA®

        Sutter Instrument introduces the IPA® family of Integrated Patch Amplifiers, which enables efficient, low-noise whole-cell recordings.

      • Axopatch 200B Amp
      • Axopatch 200B Amp

        The 200B includes all of the features of the 200A, and a few more.

      • Axoclamp 900A Amp
      • Axoclamp 900A Amp

        Instead of the usual front panel knobs and switches, the Axoclamp 900A is controlled by the Axoclamp 900A Commander, a program that runs on a Windows PC computer (see Requirements below) and communicates with the amplifier via a USB 2.0 interface.
