Mazes are the traditional tool in assessing learning and memory performance.
The Barnes Maze is a valid alternative to the water maze to study spatial memory.
The Radial Arm-Maze has been used extensively in evaluating spatial learning and memory. The apparatus consists of eight (or 12) equidistantly-spaced arms radiating from a small circular central platform.
Water Maze is a behavioral procedure designed to test spatial memory. Maze advantages: Elimination of local cues such as trace scents, No fixed escape formula.
The Morris water maze is a well-defined spatial learning task for rats and mice, one of the most often used tests in neuroscience research.
The elevated plus maze takes advantage of the rat’s or mouse’s unconditioned fear for open spaces and heights versus their innate tendency to explore.
The elevated zero maze is an alternative to the elevated plus maze. Instead of four arms, it provides continuous circle with two open quarters and two closed off quarters.
The radial arm maze is test for (spatial) learning and memory that allows for several sophisticated test protocols.
Mazes are the traditional tool in assessing learning and memory performance.
Mazes are the traditional tool in assessing learning and memory performance.
Mazes are the traditional tool in assessing learning and memory performance.
The new Photobeam Curtain available for our Multi-Varimex Maze Monitor improves upon the traditional single-photobeam design.
Economical maze configuration facilitates manual scoring in low throughput scenarios.
Constructed of impervious plastic materials for ease of cleaning and sanitation.
The Barnes maze is a popular test for assessing spatial learning and memory in rats and mice.
These mazes have a higher resolution and specially created measures which enhance the ability to quantify anxiety.
The Atlantis System allows a remote control of platforms in a Morris water maze.
The Ugo Basile Water Mazes are water pools specifically designed and manufactured for the Morris water maze test.
The Elevated Zero-Maze is sometimes preferred to the Elevated Plus-Maze, because it offers the animal a smoother transition from closed to open arms.
The Barnes Maze is an ideal tool for spatial learning and memory tasks. Animals are naturally motivated to escape from a bightly lighted open platform to a small dark recessed chamber (escape box).