Flexible system for the evaluation of respiratory metabolism, food and drink intake and activity in rodents.
The PHECOMP system is an innovative and appropriate equipment for measuring food/liquid consumption and correlated motor activity in studies designed to assess compulsive behaviours in rodents.
Compulse represents the software component of the Panlab PheCOMP system designed for the assessment of compulsive behavior in rodents.
Columbus Instruments' Comprehensive Lab Animal Monitoring System (CLAMS) has set the standard for multiple parameter scoring of multiple animals.
DM-8 monitors contact between animal and water bottle sipper tube. It is a classical implementation of electrical conductivity as a means of sensing contact. In this application, the animal stands upon a wire (stainless steel) floor in order to drink from a stainless steel sipper tube.
Ugo Basile introduces a new higher resolution model of feeding analiser, resulting from our cooperation with SABLE SYSTEMS International, worldwide leader in metabolic and intake measurement.
These well-engineered Metabolic & Diuresis Cages supply uncontaminated samples of effectively separate urine and feces of the rodent.
The Custom Polycarbonate Chamber, Model 80380 with stainless steel lid and hatch features a stainless steel food hopper on one side of the tub with area for standard bedding and three 50 ml bottles with sipper tubes on the other end.
The HM-2 Feed and Water Intake and Activity Monitor Systems automatically measure and record the undisturbed, real-time feed and water intake and the feeding and activity behavior of multiple rodents group housed in a standard home cage environment around the clock.
LABORAS is an advanced and completely non-invasive system that automatically recognizes several normal and special behaviors of rats and mice by analysis of the forces that are induced by the movements of the animal.