This machine is ideal for animals that weigh over 250 pounds.
Common features of the small animal anesthesia machine include a pop-off valve designed to interface with an active waste gas evacuation system and maintain a passively full rebreathing bag a non-rebreathing outlet port; and 200 ml to four liter O2 flowmeter.
The durable anesthesia and ventilator cart is constructed of heavy gauge black powder coated steel.
Common features of the small animal anesthesia machine include a pop-off valve designed to interface with an active waste gas evacuation system and maintain a passively full rebreathing bag; a non-rebreathing outlet port and 200 ml to four liter O2 flowmeter.
Anesthesia WorkStation - Compact (9' W x 9' D x 15' H), convenient system for use on animals under 7 kg (15 lb).
The R550 Multi-output Anesthesia Machine is our most advanced system and offers highly efficient, precise gas flow that is easy to use.
EZ Anesthesia is the system of choice for anesthetizing small animals, and it comes with a variety of choices.
EZ Anesthesia is the system of choice for anesthetizing small animals, and it comes with a variety of choices.
EZ Anesthesia is the system of choice for anesthetizing small animals, and it comes with a variety of choices.
Vetland Medical offers several mounting options for the VSA-2100, EX3000, Harmony 5 and RSA-0021 models.
These table-top anesthesia systems are our most popular configurations and include all the parts, regulators, tubing and connectors needed.
Our complete mobile anesthesia system is great for any lab that needs the flexibility to move their surgical station.
The MiniVac Gas Evacution System is an active delivery and scavenging device that substantially reduces the risk of exposure to anesthetic vapors from your surgical area.
The Harvard Apparatus Fluovac System is an active delivery and scavengiing device that substantially reduces the risk of exposure to anesthetic vapors from your surgical area.