The pH-1 Micro instrument is a precise single channel, temperature compensated pH meter with fiber optic pH micro sensors. For operation, a PC/Notebook is required. The pH-1 micro is controlled using a comfortable software, which also saves and visualizes the measured values. The pH-1 micro has 2 analog outputs (0-5 V) and one trigger input (TTL) to be connected to a data logger. Analog connectors are BNC connectors. The analog outputs are programmable to deliver pH , temperature, or the raw values (phase shift or amplitude), and the data are called via computer and RS232 (digital) or using the external trigger input (analog).
Using a computer port extender providing multiple RS232 ports, up to eight single PreSens devices (Fibox, Microx pH-1 mini, …) can be connected to one single computer. This multi-instrument set-up offers a highly flexible method to create multi-channel, multi-analyte measuring systems including additional temperature-compensation of each channel.
keyword : physiology, ph, loligo systems