The CMA 120 System for Freely Moving Animals enables microdialysis studies on conscious, small laboratory animals over long periods of time.
The CMA 120 instrument can be combined with any one of the microdialysis systems. The Microdialysis Probe is attached to the CMA 110 Liquid Switch or the CMA 111 Syringe Selector and to the CMA 142 or CMA 470 sampling devices via a dual channel swivel.
The swivel is mounted on the balancing arm allowing free movement of the animal.
The swivel brace holds a wire with a collar connector and two holders for 300 µL plastic vials. The wire attached to the the animal collar, turns the swivel and supports the tubing.
Manual fraction collection is used when two microdialysis probes are implanted, or when microdialysis is combined with local injection via one channel of the swivel.
keyword : microdialysis, collector, instrument, cma