Accelerating Rota Rod for 5 Mice Our Rota Rod provides an easy way to test the effects of drugs, brain damage, or diseases on motor coordination or fatigue resistance in rodents. The animal is placed on the roller lane of the Rota Rod and the timer is started. When the animal drops safely into its own lane, the time latency to fall (minutes and seconds) and rotation speed are automatically recorded. A removable upper separator for rat models is included to prevent interference between animals running in adjacent lanes. The Rota Rod is controlled by an advanced microprocessor which provides precise timing control and ultra-accurate speed regulation. Rotation can be electronically set at a constant speed (4-40 rpm) using a dial on the front panel. Alternatively, acceleration rate may be selected at a defined time (30 sec., 1, 2, 5 or 10 min). Acquired data is saved in table form by lanes/trials.
keyword : behavior, pharmacology, sensory, motor, coordiantion, hugo sachs elektronik