
Vogel Test: Anxiometer 102

  • Vogel Test: Anxiometer 102
  • The Columbus Instruments Anxiometer-102 is designed to induce anxiety within a subject and monitor the degree of drug effect by the administration of a mild shock after 20 licks on a sipper tube. The shock is delivered through the sipper tube and is maintained for a selectable duration of 0.25 to 2.0 seconds.

    The intensity of shock is user adjustable. With the onset of the initial shock, Anxiometer-102 begins a three minute testing session during which the total number of licks and shocks (administered with every 20th lick) is recorded on front panel counters.

    The performance of anti-anxiety drugs can be measured by comparing the drinking behavior of punished drugged rats to the behavior of punished non-drugged rats.

    keyword : behavior, pharmacology, anxiety, depression, columbus instruments

